born in Wuhan,
based in Munich
2018 – 2023 Akademie der Bildenden Künste München, Klasse Prof. Julian Rosefeldt (graduated as Meisterschülerin)
2010 – 2013 China Academy of Art, School of Intermedia Art, MA in Curatorial Studies while working as teaching assistant in Studio of Experimental Image
2004 – 2008 Wuhan University, Business School, BA in Business Administration
2022.05 Goethe-Institut Kasachstan, Astana and Almaty
2021.07 GUrban Residency, Yerevan and Gyumri
2012.07 Cité internationale des Arts, Paris
Grants and Awards:
2023 Medienkunstpreis 2023 der Kunststiftung Ingvild und Stephan Goetz
Funding for Collaboration Project, BBK Verbindungslinien
2022 Cultural Funding, Goethe-Institut
Project Funding, Steiner-Stiftung
KARL & FABER Prize of Stiftung Kunstakademie, nominated
2021 Project Funding, Akademieverein
2016 Huayu Youth Award, nominated
2013 Excellent Graduation Thesis: Redemption of Images: Mnemosyne and Angelus Novus
Art Projects:
2014.05 – 2017.12 The Grand Voyage, collaborate with Guo Xi, 86 days around the world
2013.07 – 2014.09 Yang Fudong Studio, artist's assistant, Shanghai
2024 Group Show, Inna Art Space, West Bund Art and Design Fair, Shanghai
The 3rd Two – From Postwar-Feminism to Post-Feminism in East-Asia, Galerie der Künstler*innen, München
2023 Office for Unsolved Issues, Zurich Versicherungsagentur, München
*The First and Final Girl, AkademieGalerie, München
Sterling Darling, Kunstarkaden, München
Foreign Bodies, U-Bahn Station Odeonsplatz, SCHMUCK 2023, München
*The First and Final Girl: Early Signs, Diplomausstellung, AdBK, München
2022 Super BOOKS, Haus der Kunst, München
Group Show Preis der Stiftung Kunstakademie, KARL & FABER, München
Fresco, AdBK, München
*CLOUD COATING, Астаналык, Astana
LASSITUDE, Goethe Institut, Paris
2021 The Knickknack Peddler, public art section of Guangzhou Contemporary Art Fair, Guangzhou
Super BOOKS, Haus der Kunst, München
Ground Art Fest, Gyumri
*Haha's 10000 Days on Earth, AkademieGalerie, München
2020 In the dark times, will there also be singing? Yes, there will also be singing. About the dark times. Blitz Club, München
2019 STRATA Museum for the Age of Penumbra, AdBK, München
Microscopic Eyes Detective Minds, VACATION, New York
Yellow Reflection, Galerie Liusa Wang, Paris
2018 Tell Me a Story: Locality and Narrative, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Torino
2017 Frontier – Re-assessment of Post-Globalisational Politics, OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, Shanghai
2016 Creative Operational Solutions, Para Site, Hong Kong
Huayu Young Artist Award Nominees' Exhibition, Sanya
HOLZWEGE , ShanghART Gallery, Shanghai
*The Grand Voyage: A Man Upside Down, OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, Shanghai
Annals of Floating Island, Hanart TZ Gallery, Hong Kong
Tell Me a Story: Locality and Narrative, Rockbund Art Museum Shanghai
2015 The Ballad of Generation Y , OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, Shanghai
Jimei x Arles International Photography Festival, Xiamen
*The Grand Voyage: The Fifth Prophecy and Four Characters, Imagokinetics project space in West Bund Art and Design Fair, Shanghai
*Preview: The Grand Voyage, ShanghART Gallery, Shanghai
Folklore of the Cyber World, Chronus Art Center, Shanghai
2014 *Prophecy Release: the Grand Voyage, 80 WSE Gallery, New York
2010 Investigating Project about Stone Sculpture Industry in Quyang, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou
solo and dual shows are marked with *
Curatorial Projects:
2016 Trembling Surfaces, Long March Space, curator, Beijing
2014 Tales from the Taiping Era, co-curator, Red Brick Art Museum, Beijing
2013 One Meter Theater, executive curator, Imagokinetics, Hangzhou
Limited Knowledge, executive curator, City University of Hong Kong, HK
Greenbox: Remapping- the Space of Media Reality, co-curator, Media City Research Center, Hangzhou
2012 The Surprise of Existence - A Moment of Youth Image, executive curator, Lianzhou Foto
Limited Knowledge, executive curator, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou
Experimental Image Theater: The Deferred Realm, co-planner, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou
Salmon Without Summer, curator, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou
2011 Free Speech: Graduation Exhibition of School of Intermedia Art, China Academy of Art, project manager, Hangzhou
Wax & Wane, curator, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou
The Light Driver, curator, Community Art Space, Hangzhou
Printed Matter:
2022 Giant Calendar, Awakening, co-artist
2021 Projekt Notfallgepäck (a group show, a mobile device, a time to run), co-artist
2017 A Study on Name, artist
2015 Journal from the Grand Voyage, co-artist
2013 Eleven Fictional Captions for group show Wave (3rd), Bund 18 Temporary Art Space, Shanghai
One Meter Theater, editor
2012 Limited Knowledge, editor